I thought we'd do something different this week ~ go on a beautiful home walking tour!
Do you love to look at ( stalk ) beautiful homes in your neighborhood too? Give me a thumbs up so I know I am not alone in lingering in front of my favorites or strolling by as the lights go on so I can get a peek inside!

Come on a walk with me and see the lovely homes I am grateful to pass by daily as I walk my two pals, Edith & Emmett.

And if you haven't already get in on Monrovia's Plant It Forward campaign and big give away.

Here's how:

Plant something, anything, snap a pic.

Post the pic to Instagram or Twitter with #PlantItForward and tag 3 friends.

Do this & Monrovia will plant a tree thanks to YOU!

They want to plant a trillion trees so help out and call one or more your own! Details HERE: https://growbeautifully.monrovia.com/

ENTER the 5k Give Away HERE: https://www.monrovia.com/plantitforward/

If you are enjoying my videos be sure to subscribe & click the bell to get notified when there is a new one.

If you liked this walking tour let me know in a comment, there are many more beauties around here that I can stroll by with you, so we can take a walk together again.

Listen to my podcast, Decorating Tips and Tricks ~ I think you will like it! https://decoratingtipsandtricks.com, on itunes or any podcast player.

Join me on my blog: https://mysoulfulhome.com

Come hang out with me on Instagram: https://instagram.com/mysoulfulhome

Thanks so much for coming by today.


#walkingtour #housetour #beautifulhomes