Watch and learn how to pick the right white paint for any space. No more stressing & no more guessing! After watching this video you will know how to analyze a white paint so you can pick the perfect one every time.
This is not simply a list of popular white paints. It is the information you need to discern the often subtle differences between white paints.
Learn it now, use it forever.

My favorite white paint of all time is Benjamin Moore's Simply White. You might love it too, but maybe it's not right for your room. Use the info I am sharing today to find out.

Want to find out the white paint I really don't care for - watch & hear. (don't get mad if you love it! )

As promised here are a few white paints that I have had success with in my homes & homes of my clients.

Extra White - Sherman Williams
All White - Farrow & Ball
Decorator's White - Ben Moore

Simply White - Ben Moore (almost pure, but tends to the warm side)
Dove White - Ben Moore
Cotton Balls - Ben Moore

Paper White - Ben Moore
White - Ben Moore
Snow Day - Clare

I really hope this video helps to clear up the confusing & sometimes agonizing decision over which white paint to choose.

TIP: Even if you are picking paints like a pro, don't let a contractor, painter or anyone else rush you along in the decision making process. Follow the instruction I gave today & test on the walls in the room you are painting.

Samplize is a great source for large adhesive & easily removable paint samples. You can check them out at

For even more information how to pick the right white paint, listen to my podcast episode on just this topic.

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