Ten Lessons to be a Better Gardener.
These lessons will definitely improve your gardening game!

Simple to implement gardening lessons that produce results.
From amending your soil, to garden zones each lesson is easy to understand, easy to do and will produce better results in your garden.

There is a bonus lesson and a discount code for a fantastic product you will want to try and then never want to garden without!

Try Workman's Friend Barrier Cream and save $2.00 off the 3.38 tube by heading HERE: https://workmansfriendbrand.com/collections/workmans-friend/products/barrier-skin-cream?variant=16212035305574

Use the code WFBCSOUL at checkout to save $2.00 on the 3.38 size tube.

If you want to know more about garden zones such as when to pay attention & when to ignore read my blog post HERE: https://mysoulfulhome.com/garden-zones-101-knowing-your-zone/

Learn more about amending your soil HERE: https://mysoulfulhome.com/best-easiest-way-improve-soil/

Prune boxwood and other dense shrubs with confidence & skill after reading HERE: https://mysoulfulhome.com/boxwood-shrubs-101/

Grow tomatoes like a pro after reading this post HERE: https://mysoulfulhome.com/grow-tomato-plants/

Don't forget to redeem your discount at Workman's Friend for a tube of hand saving cream! HERE https://workmansfriendbrand.com

Join the conversation. Leave a comment with your best gardening lesson.

Thanks for watching today! Let me know if you'd like more gardening lessons.

Happy growing,