If you enjoyed this episode of Decorating Tips and Tricks - the podcast follow the show on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcast player. Or follow along from our site http://decoratingtipsand tricks.com. It is FREE, filled with fabulous advice for creating your own beautiful home & lots of fun.

An episode of Decorating Tips & Tricks is released every Wednesday. So start listening this week. If you love it and want more we've got over 570 episodes on everything from designing a kitchen to creating a restful bedroom sanctuary and everything in between. Going strong since 2017 there isn't a decorating idea, dilemma or trend we haven't talked about on DTT.

We would love to have you along! The we in DTT is: me, Kelly Wilkniss of My Soulful Home and Anita Joyce ( recently featured in Architectural Digest! ). of Cedar Hill Farmhouse.

You can find us at http://decoratingtipsandtricks.com

Anita at https://cedarhillfarmhouse.com
on IG at cedarhillfarmhouse

Kelly at https://mysoulfulhome.com
on IG at mysoulfulhome

Together we are Decorating Tips and Tricks and we can't wait to get YOU together with us on the podcast.
